Cinematography Explained: The Introduction

By Jodiann Frekleton

When you see the term Cinematography, a couple questions come to mind:-
  • What is Cinematography?
  • Why is Cinematography important?
  • What is interesting about Cinematography i.e. Why should i care?
    The answers are simple:-
    • Cinematography is the art or technique of movie photography, including both the shooting and development of the film.
    • It is an important art of expression and many times serve as our entertainment, information source and educators.
    • EVERYTHING about Cinematography is important. Every aspect of a picture adds to the final effect.

    Whether it is the Colour temperature, source of light, amount of light, shot size, shot angle etc. Every aspect and fine detail in cinematography has a meaning and effect on the outcome of a picture.

    Take a look at this footage to get an idea of what I am talking about.


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